Vowel Quantities in the Albanian Dialect of Drenica (Kosovo). Shortening, Lengthening, Cutting


  • Norbert Boretzky


The Gegue dialect of Albanian developed a phonematic contrast between short and long vowels, causing it to stand out from other Balkanic languages. As an illustration, in this paper the dialect of the Drenica/Kosovo is analysed with regard to the quantity of vowels. As can be shown, long vowels emerged as the consequence of both contraction, for instance, of diphthongs, and the so-called compensative lengthening (by the loss of -ë) enabling the emergence of minimal pairs. In many cases, short and long vowels cannot be distinguished with certainty: On the one hand, short vowels are scarcely lengthened; on the other hand long vowels can be shortened under certain, rather special conditions. These processes took place without being triggered by other, neighbouring languages.

Author Biography

Norbert Boretzky

Prof.Dr. im Ruhestand



How to Cite

Boretzky, N. (2019). Vowel Quantities in the Albanian Dialect of Drenica (Kosovo). Shortening, Lengthening, Cutting. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, 55(1). Retrieved from https://zeitschrift-fuer-balkanologie.de/index.php/zfb/article/view/552


